Hello everyone,

Hope you all are well.

I have this dataset that was imported via excel and is stored in a form where variable descriptions are in the rows of first column while all values begin from second column onwards. Dataset below:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str372 B str180 C str17(D E)
"Year"                                                                                                                         "2000"        "2001"              "2002"             
"POPULATIONa"                                                                                                                  ""            ""                  ""                 
"Total population as of 1 July (million)"                                                                                      "139.96"      "142.86"            "146.02"           
"Population density (persons/km²)"                                                                                            "175.80794"   "179.45072"         "183.42009"        
"Population (% annual change)"                                                                                                 "2.39227"     "2.07202"           "2.21196"          
"Urban population (% of total population)"                                                                                     "32.95942"    "33.24934"          "33.05027"         
"LABOR FORCE fiscal year ending 30 June (million)"                                                                             "40.52"       "41.38"             "43.21"            
"Employed"                                                                                                                     "37.35"       "38.14"             "39.64"            
"Agriculture, forestry, and fishing"                                                                                           "18.07"       "18.47"             "16.68"            
"Mining and quarrying"                                                                                                         ""            ""                  ""                 
"Manufacturing"                                                                                                                "4.31"        "4.4"               "5.51"             
"Electricity, gas, steam, and air-conditioning supply; water supply;
 sewerage, waste management, and remediation activitiesb" "…"         ".26"               ".32"              
"Construction"                                                                                                                 "…"         "2.21"              "2.4"              
"Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles"                                                         "…"         "5.15"              "5.89"             
"Accommodation and food service activities"                                                                                    "…"         "…"               "…"              
"Transportation and storage"                                                                                                   "…"         "1.92"              "2.34"             
"Information and communication"                                                                                                "…"         "…"               "…"              
"Financial and insurance activities"                                                                                           ""            ""                  ""                 
"Real estate activities"                                                                                                       ""            ""                  ""                 
"Othersc"                                                                                                                      "14.94"       "5.73"              "6.5"              
"Unemployed"                                                                                                                   "3.17"        "3.23"              "3.56"             
"Unemployment rate (%)"                                                                                                        "7.8233"      "7.8322"            "8.474170000000001"
"Labor force (% annual change)"                                                                                                ".7459"       "2.122408687"       "4.422426293"      
"Labor force participation rated (%)"                                                                                          "42.8"        "43.34"             "43.34"            
"Male"                                                                                                                         "70.39"       "70.31999999999999" "70.31999999999999"
"Female"                                                                                                                       "13.72"       "14.44"             "14.44"            
"NATIONAL ACCOUNTS fiscal year ending 30 June (PRs billion)"                                                                   ""            ""                  ""                 
"At Current Prices"                                                                                                            ""            ""                  ""                 
"GDP by industrial origin at current market prices"                                                                            "4243.393016" "4627.581682"       "4920.548811"      
"Agriculture, forestry, and fishing"                                                                                           "1087.040775" "1119.794088"       "1134.823157"      
"Mining and quarrying"                                                                                                         "99.82107966" "119.8684946"       "135.8975756"      
"Manufacturing"                                                                                                                "433.6663077" "492.1157835"       "522.152639"       
"Electricity, gas, steam, and air-conditioning supply"                                                                         "120.6222322" "121.8616889"       "112.9376005"      
"Water supply; sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities"                                                         ""            ""                  ""                 
"Construction"                                                                                                                 "90.54119399" "98.08819301"       "98.63422109"      
"Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles"                                                         "686.0358374" "759.3663180999999" "788.589435"       
"Accommodation and food service activities"                                                                                    ""            ""                  ""                 
"Transportation and storage"                                                                                                   "501.6263349" "585.0716365"       "669.1203169"      
"Information and communication"                                                                                                ""            ""                  ""                 
"Financial and insurance activities"                                                                                           "99.97164664" "115.2815925"       "134.8195235"      
"Real estate activities"                                                                                                       "301.2046616" "321.7014059"       "342.2894569"      
"Professional, scientific, and technical activities"                                                                           "…"         "…"               "…"              
"Administrative and support service activities"                                                                                "…"         "…"               "…"              
"Public administration and defense; compulsory social security"                                                                "231.842"     "247.372"           "273.696"          
"Education"                                                                                                                    ""            ""                  ""                 
"Human health and social work activities"                                                                                      ""            ""                  ""                 
"Arts, entertainment, and recreation"                                                                                          ""            ""                  ""                 
"Other service activities"                                                                                                     "314.8829471" "347.4794818"       "388.3638858"      
"Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and 
 services-producing activities of households for own use" "…"         "…"               "…"              
"Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies"                                                                      "…"         "…"               "…"              
I am wanting to take observation names from first column and assign then to the variables after i transpose them using sxpose (If there is another method to achieve the same then it will be great to know!). I am aware that variable labels are limited to a certain number of characters so it is alright if they happen to get trimmed in the process. Although, if there is a way to store that info then that is even better!

ssc install sxpose, replace
sxpose, clear firstnames
Looking forward to the replies! and if I am unclear then please feel free to comment so I can rephrase my question if needed.