I am preparing my thesis but I can not process further due to the problem of merging data.
I have difficulty of gathering all data which has different time spans (yearly/half-yearly/quarterly/daily)
These are explanations of my data.
1) Individual average monthly income data for 10 years from government survey. The survey was done, first 3 years it was yearly and then quarterly for 2 years and after that, half yearly for the rest. (For quarter column, in case of yearly data I just put 12, in case of half yearly 7,8 each)
id year quarter city averagemonthlyincome
1 2008 12 1100 0
2 2008 12 1100 50
3 2008 12 1100 0
4 2008 12 1100 0
5 2008 12 1100 60
6 2008 12 1100 0
2) daily index data (price) for 10 years.
date year quarter lastprice
31/12/2017 2017 4 3599
30/12/2017 2017 4 3300
What I want to to make is merging two data.
like :
date year quarter lastprice id city averagemonthlyincome
But I do not know how to because my data is cross sectional and time series with different time spans.
Can you share your knowledge of how to do it?
If it is impossible/too complicated, I would like to at least know how I can do regression of averagemonthlyincome on lastprice (daily index)
Thanks a lot for help!

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