
My study is about finding the most effective intervention to reduce the risk factors of non-communicable diseases by a field-trial study.
I selected 4 counties from 4 geographical points. from each county select 8 health centers (4 in an urban district and 4 in rural district). I run 4 type interventions in 3 counties separately, and 1 county doesn't receive any intervention that includes 8 health centers(4 urban and 4 rural). from 3 counties, each of them received below intervention:
* intervention 1 in two health centers(1Urban and 1Rural)
*intervention 2 in two health centers(1Urban and 1Rural)
*intervention 3 in two health centers(1Urban and 1Rural)
*intervention 4 in two health centers(1Urban and 1Rural)
hence, There are three population surveys of the study, which is one year apart. population select randomly in each survey.
Base Survey.......... one-year intervention.............Survey1...........one-year intervention..............Survey final
I need to find a suitable analysis method.