Hi there,
This sounds silly but i am stuck here for a while.
I have a question regarding labelling firms whose one aspect of characteristics consecutively (at least 5 year consecutive) meeting a criteria. Hope you could help!
This is a time series.
For example, whever Firm 1 has 4 consecutive year observations equal to 0, I want to label those firm-year combinations as "m". In the following table, it should be year 3-7, year12-15.
Firm Year X
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 0
1 4 0
1 5 0
1 6 0
1 7 0
1 8 3
1 10 2
1 11 3
1 12 0
1 13 0
1 14 0
1 15 0