I'm trying to draw a map that shows proportion of households in a state that report a migrant member. Trouble is, the spmap command gives only the top half of the map (for North India).There are no error messages. Here is a sample of the data

input int STATEID float mig_in_hh
1 .08794326
2 .17809187
3 .08867586
4 .036144577
5 .14285715
6 .03948832
7 .01674107
8 .1589327
9 .18595615
10 .27040455
11 .10377359
12 .012658228
13 .04672897
14 .011363637
15 .03896104
16 .03196347
17 .014925373
18 .0407332
19 .10723297
20 .07294118
21 .10398789
22 .11673152
23 .1588848
24 .03755365
25 .05263158
26 0
27 .034937173
28 .05301983
29 .08368532
30 .021276595
32 .17029703
33 .0595723
34 .02803738

where the STATEID is the id of the state and mig_in_hh is the variable whose geographical distribution I want to map.

The command I used was
spmap mig_in_hh using incoord, id(id) fcolor(Blues)

The translation of the .shp files in stata can be the problem (the database of coordinates somehow had multiple entries corresponding to a single state), but I have to use it because I need the 2011 census boundaries of states. Is there any way to work with this?
Thanks in advance!