Dear all.
I'm doing my research on Unemployment, and my topic is "The Impact of remittances on unemployment." This is my model:
Unemploymentit = β0 + β1Unemploymentt-1,i + β2(FDI/GDP)it +β3(GFCF/GDP)it + β4PopGrowthit + β5(Remittances/GDP)it + β6Inflationti + β7FemaleLFti + β8YouthEmpRatioti + β9EnrollTertiaryti + β10EnrollSecondti + β11GovernExpti + β12Crisisti + uti
Thirteen countries, 12 variables, and more than 160 observations.
Can you advise me which methodology I should use for analysis? And don't forget please about endogeneity problem and lagged effect of previous years Unemployment to the current year...
Thank you in advance
Best regards,
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