
Apologies if this has already been resolved in a previous post, but I could not find one - is it possible to remove whiskers from graph box? I just want to show median and IQR (there is an additional category - hospitals - with much longer whiskers that I want to add, which lengthens the axis and makes the other groups (health centre etc.) much harder to read.

stripplot does not seem to be an option because it does not accept weights.

Second, the axis(range...) option does not seem to be making any edits to the axis on the graph. I would appreciate any tips for getting the code to work.

Many thanks for your help,

Code for graph:
#delimit ;
graph hbox n_anydr n_midw n_nurse n_sba if sample==1 & factype>1 [pweight=sample_wgt],
by(factype, cols(1) note("")) over(ftype, axis(range(0(2)40)))
noout note("")
box(1, color(navy) )
box(2, color(ebblue))
box(3, color(ebblue*0.4))
box(4, color(dkgreen))
plotregion(color(white) ifcolor(white))
legend(order( 1 "Doctors" 2 "Midwives" 3 "Nurses" 4 "Total SBA") rows(1) size(small))
xsize(1) ysize(1.2)
#delimit cr