I am making some report using -putdocx- command.
My data is like following result table.
clear set obs 1 gen year = "Disbursement" gen y2017 = 10000 gen y2018 = 11000 egen total = rowtotal(y2017 y2018) format %9.0fc y2017 y2018 total putdocx begin putdocx paragraph putdocx table tbl1 = data("year y2017 y2018 total"), varnames putdocx save tbl1.docx, replace
but I know Stata don't allow a number on the first.
So, I changed the data with some trick.
tostring _all, replace set obs 2 replace year = "year" if year == "" replace y2017 = "2017" if y2017 == "" replace y2018 = "2018" if y2018 == "" replace total = "total" if total == "" gsort -year putdocx begin putdocx paragraph putdocx table tbl1 = data("year y2017 y2018 total") putdocx save tbl1.docx, replace
but I lost a comma in the disbursement part.
The first code shows 10,000 form, but the second shows 10000 form.
I want to this following form, with comma in the disbursement.
year | 2007 | 2008 | total |
Disbursement | 10,000 | 11,000 | 21,000 |
Do you know how to use a font style when -putdocx- make out a table?
I can find the using font on paragraph and text, but I can't find on table.
Please give me your idea.
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