Hi all,

I am currently working with a polish data set and would like to generate the professional experience for a person from their reported employment spells. I can only conduct cross-sectional analyses, so I need to generate their cumlated experinece up until the last reported episode.

My main problem is that the spells overlap, as many people were simultaneously working in multiple jobs. I'll give an example below for the Person with the ID "89".

HTML Code:
ID    start_y  end_y
89    1964    1967    
89    1967    1968
89    1972    1974
89    1975    1986
89    1985    2013
89    1973    1990
89    1990    2011
89    1999    2001
89    2001    2002
89    1972    1974
89    2013    2015
89    2014    2015
89    2014    2015
I am very new to working with spell data, so I would really appreciate all tipps. What I would ultimately like to do is to generate the cumulated experience, without the overlaps, i.e. in this example from 1964 to 2015 and simulatenously ensure that there aren's any gaps.

Thank you all,
