Hi all, i am sonia kaur. I am using stata 15.1 version at tbe moment. I joined this forum recently and i needed some advice on a thesis im writing.
My question is : i am currently working on my thesis ( determinants of bank profitability) in which i have to analyse approximately 17000 banks over 64 quarters. The determinants i have chosen are lag roa, size , credit risk ratio, a few more ratios as well and inflation , gdp and interest rates.
I have a few issues that i need to clarify and i really hope i can get some insights from you
1) firstly i set my data as panel using the xtset command( i set my data as unbalanced and over 64 quarters .) Then i moved on to pooled regression and used the reg command while including roa as dependent variable and lagroa and the rest as my independent variables. I realised 2 of the variables are insignificant ( interest coverage ratio and bank efficency) so i dropped them from.my equation. ( Lag roa still included )
Then i go on to run my fe and re using the remaining variables plus lagroa but the problem i face is in the hausman test. My test is giving me a positive definite error and i did some research and tried to change the commands to fe_all, re_all , store both of them and then use the command " hausman fe_all re_all, sigmamore. And i do not get the error anymore. Now my question is can i actually do this to solve the problem or am i just forcing the data to work my way by using this commands? Is there an underlying problem i am not seeing? Im really confused. Please do give me your insights.thankyou so much
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