I tried to merge two data sets with unique variables called "Name" and "lan". Data set 1 consists of the two variables called "Name", "Lan" and "komm" and data set 2 consists of the variables called "Name", "lan", "harad", NAMN", "LAN", "parid", "LMn1", "SNID_4" and "city".

merge m:1 Name lan using "XXX"
This is the result:
Name lan komm harad NAMN LAN parid LMn1 SNID_4 city _merge
abild 13 1 matched (3)
adelöv 6 1 matched (3)
agnetorp 16 1 matched (3)
agunnaryd 7 1 matched (3)
akebäck 9 1 matched (3)

The problem that occurs is that the merge takes place but the values were not adopted.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?