Dear Stata users,

Context : I want to display the industry distribution within 3 age categories (relative to total employment in each age category), and show this for men and women in a combined way (left and right hand side).
My problem is the following: the y-axis labels are repeated and eat up a lot of space.
My objective: ideally, deleting these labels on the right-hand side plot only.

What I have done: I have almost successfully used catplot, either in combination with graph combine, or with the by() option. However, in either versions, I would like to delete the repeated y-axis labels of the right-hand side graph, that unnecessarily eat up a lot of space (in my opinion).

ssc install catplot
ssc install tabplot
ssc install grc1leg


#delimit ;
catplot agecat industry if gender==1,
    l1title("") title("Men")
    legend(label(1 "18-34") label(2 "35-59  ") label(3 "60-64  "))
    asyvars bar(1, color(gs14)) bar(2, color(gs8)) bar(3, color(gs3))  saving("$fgs/part1.gph", replace)  ;
#delimit cr

#delimit ;
catplot agecat industry if gender==2,
    l1title("") title("Women")
    legend(label(1 "18-34") label(2 "35-59  ") label(3 "60-64  "))
    bar(1, color(gs14)) bar(2, color(gs8)) bar(3, color(gs3)) saving("part2.gph", replace) ;
#delimit cr

grc1leg "part1" "part2", graphregion(color(white))
output :

#delimit ;
catplot agecat industry ,
    percent(agecat gender)
    by(gender, style(combine) graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)))
    bar(1, color(gs14)) bar(2, color(gs8)) bar(3, color(gs3))
    legend(label(1 "18-34") label(2 "35-59") label(3 "60-64")) ;
#delimit cr
output :

What I have also tried: After reading a few Stata list posts (and notably a recent suggestion here: I have tried turning to tabplot, and that successfully took care of the y-axis labels problem; but another problem has arisen, which is that I am unable to display the relevant horizontal bars next to each other.

#delimit ;
tabplot industry agecat,
    percent(agecat gender)
    by(gender, graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) ) subtitle(,fcolor(white) bcolor(white))
    separate(agecat) bar1(color(gs14)) bar2(color(gs8)) bar3(color(gs3))
    xtitle("Age categories")
    xlabel(1 "18-34" 2 "35-59  " 3 "60-64  ")
    legend(label(1 "18-34") label(2 "35-59") label(3 "60-64")) ;
#delimit cr
output :

Would you be able to help? I hope the desired output is clear: similar to the catplot output, without the y-labels on the right-hand side plot.

A working data example is below. To reduce the total size of the post I have restricted it to 100 obs, the real data much larger data (the 100 sample size makes the distribution very noisy and somewhat weird, but the problem remains the same - ylabels).

With my deepest gratitude,

(uses Stata 15.1 or earlier versions)

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(gender industry) float(emp agecat)
1  6 1 18
2 10 1 35
2  1 1 35
2  6 1 18
1  6 1 18
1  1 1 35
1  1 1 35
2  9 1 35
1  1 1 35
1  7 1 35
2  1 1 35
2  3 1 35
1  1 1 18
1  7 1 18
2  9 1 18
2  6 1 35
1  7 1 18
1  6 1 18
1  7 1 35
2  1 1 35
1  1 1 18
1  1 1 35
2  6 1 35
2 10 1 35
2  9 1 18
2 10 1 35
2  8 1 35
1  6 1 18
1  6 1 18
1  1 1 35
2  6 1 35
1  1 1 18
2  6 1 18
1  7 1 35
2  8 1 35
1  1 1 35
1  4 1 18
2  6 1 18
1  9 1 35
1  5 1 35
2  6 1 35
1  6 1 35
1 10 1 35
1  3 1 18
1  1 1 35
1  6 1 35
2  9 1 35
2 10 1 18
1  1 1 35
1  1 1 35
1  6 1 35
1  3 1 35
1  1 1 35
2 10 1 35
1  9 1 18
2  3 1 18
1  3 1 18
2  1 1 18
1  1 1 18
2  6 1 18
2  6 1 18
2 10 1 18
1  6 1 35
2  1 1 35
2  6 1 35
2  8 1 18
1  1 1 18
2  6 1 18
2  1 1 18
2  6 1 35
1  5 1 35
2  1 1 18
2  1 1 35
2  1 1 35
1  6 1 35
2  7 1 18
2  8 1 35
1  1 1 35
2  1 1 35
2 10 1 35
1  5 1 60
1  5 1 35
2  6 1 18
1 10 1 35
2  6 1 18
1  9 1 35
2  9 1 35
2  5 1 35
1  6 1 18
1  1 1 35
2  6 1 35
2  6 1 35
2  6 1 35
2  3 1 18
2  1 1 18
2  6 1 35
1  7 1 18
2  1 1 18
1  9 1 18
1  3 1 35
label values gender s
label def s 1 "Men", modify
label def s 2 "Women", modify
label values industry i
label def i 1 "Agriculture", modify
label def i 3 "Manufacturing", modify
label def i 4 "Utilities", modify
label def i 5 "Construction", modify
label def i 6 "Trade", modify
label def i 7 "Transport", modify
label def i 8 "Finance", modify
label def i 9 "Services", modify
label def i 10 "Domestic Services", modify