Hi everyone,

In a nutshell, I have the following model for which I would like to automatically compute the changing OR and CI for the effect of treatment (treat2c=1) over time (fui=0,1,3,5,7,10,15). I would then like to use calculated numbers to produce a line plot with surrounding confidence intervals.

I can compute the OR and CI manually, but I would very much prefer to learn how to directly produce those results. I also understand that marginplot would be quite useful if my outcome was linear or even binary. However, given that the outcome is ordinal, this command results in a separate output per outcome level. This isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Any idea on how to code this?

The model:
meologit tr i.treat2c##c.fui i.trpre i.rvdilpre i.rvsdpre aac creptvr clead pvd ceps, || id: fui, vce(robust) or
