* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float id str52 country int year double gdp_pc_current_local_currency
1 "Ireland"  2000 28482.53982603686
2 "Portugal" 2000 12484.70150044247
1 "Ireland"  2001 31543.98210355635
2 "Portugal" 2001  13107.3208371314
1 "Ireland"  2002  34576.9564035324
2 "Portugal" 2002 13688.72026274251
1 "Ireland"  2003 36420.82951647195
2 "Portugal" 2003 13974.64178801798
1 "Ireland"  2004 38361.94819891201
2 "Portugal" 2004 14533.91665532384
1 "Ireland"  2005 40911.51403610747
2 "Portugal" 2005 15104.97708821869
1 "Ireland"  2006 43288.04043250746
2 "Portugal" 2006 15799.67351207266
1 "Ireland"  2007 44829.35669531446
2 "Portugal" 2007 16643.11070397281
1 "Ireland"  2008 41820.76620699118
2 "Portugal" 2008 16941.61615210656
1 "Ireland"  2009 37504.48419369953
2 "Portugal" 2009  16601.4467678509
1 "Ireland"  2010 36749.46355990093
2 "Portugal" 2010 17017.69698574685
1 "Ireland"  2011 37540.63025918302
2 "Portugal" 2011 16686.29664430039
1 "Ireland"  2012 38169.33806105968
2 "Portugal" 2012 16015.26080653218
1 "Ireland"  2013  38993.3942008073
2 "Portugal" 2013 16282.34902046849
1 "Ireland"  2014 41766.42749487949
2 "Portugal" 2014  16640.5175740708
1 "Ireland"  2015  55729.4398906668
2 "Portugal" 2015 17359.31084112532
1 "Ireland"  2016   57949.040393579
2 "Portugal" 2016 17964.73200398394
1 "Ireland"  2017 61523.87564587727
2 "Portugal" 2017 18756.29563584314
format %ty year
Q1 .I am trying to find % change in the variable gdp_pc_current_local_currency by year for each country. Tried the following code. Unfortunately, it yields missing values.
bys year id : gen growth_gdp_pc_current=100*(gdp_pc_current_local_currency[_n]-gdp_pc_current_local_currency[_n-1])/gdp_pc_current_local_currency[_n-1]
Q2. For the same variable, how do I find % change from the initial year 2010 to the last year 2017 for each country?