I need help if someone can help me as soon. The following is my data set:
Country_Name id Country_Code Exchange_Rate tax_rate tax_threshold
Albania 1 ALB 119.0997 0 360000
Albania 2 ALB 119.0997 .13 1800000
Albania 3 ALB 119.0997 .23
Albania 4 ALB 119.0997
Albania 5 ALB 119.0997
Albania 6 ALB 119.0997
Albania 7 ALB 119.0997
Albania 8 ALB 119.0997
Albania 9 ALB 119.0997
Albania 10 ALB 119.0997
Albania 11 ALB 119.0997
Albania 12 ALB 119.0997
Albania 13 ALB 119.0997
Albania 14 ALB 119.0997
Albania 15 ALB 119.0997
Albania 16 ALB 119.0997
Albania 17 ALB 119.0997
Albania 18 ALB 119.0997
Albania 19 ALB 119.0997
Albania 20 ALB 119.0997
Albania 21 ALB 119.0997
Albania 22 ALB 119.0997
Albania 23 ALB 119.0997
Algeria 1 DZA 110.973 0 120000
Algeria 2 DZA 110.973 .2 360000
Algeria 3 DZA 110.973 .3 1440000
Algeria 4 DZA 110.973 .35
Algeria 5 DZA 110.973
Algeria 6 DZA 110.973
Algeria 7 DZA 110.973
Algeria 8 DZA 110.973
Algeria 9 DZA 110.973
Algeria 10 DZA 110.973
Algeria 11 DZA 110.973
I want to change my tax_threshold variable to:
threshold_low threshold_high
0 360000
360000 1800000
Can you please help me? Thank you!= in advance!
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