
I'm having difficulty merging together two data sets that contain population estimates for metropolitan areas. What I want to do is combine these two into a panel. Both sets have the same FIPS codes ( the "metarea" variable in the datasets) and string variable for the metropolitan area's name ("metro"). When I run the merge
 merge 1:1 year metarea metro using "C:\Users\ageis\Documents\Research\Managerial Data\IPUMS\1990.dta"
none of the observations match despite what I should expect: both have the same number of observations and the same identifying code "metarea."

The first data set or master file looks like

* Example generated by -dataex-. 
input float year int metarea str39 metro double population
1980   4 "Abilene, TX"                              111420
1980   8 "Akron, OH"                                663780
1980  16 "Albany, NY"                               740740
1980  20 "Albuquerque, NM"                          456780
1980  22 "Alexandria, LA"                           135880
1980  24 "Allentown, PA"                            501300
1980  28 "Altoona, PA"                              134620
1980  32 "Amarillo, TX"                             172560
1980  38 "Anchorage, AK"                            175600
1980  44 "Ann Arbor, MI"                            266940
1980  45 "Anniston, AL"                             120400
1980  46 "Appleton, WI"                             291660
1980  52 "Atlanta, GA"                             1781240
1980  56 "Atlantic City, NJ"                        194040
1980  60 "Augusta, GA"                              289920
1980  64 "Austin, TX"                               537560
1980  68 "Bakersfield, CA"                          402320
1980  72 "Baltimore, MD"                           2171980
1980  76 "Baton Rouge, LA"                          476640
1980  84 "Beaumont, TX"                             374120
1980  86 "Bellingham, WA"                           106340
1980  87 "Benton Harbor, MI"                        174360
1980  88 "Billings, MT"                             107660
1980  92 "Biloxi-Gulfport, MS"                      158460
1980  96 "Binghamton, NY"                           213660
1980 100 "Birmingham, AL"                           778940
1980 104 "Bloomington, IL"                          118820
1980 108 "Boise, ID"                                173480
1980 112 "Boston, MA"                              2588460
1980 115 "Bremerton, WA"                            146880
1980 116 "Bridgeport, CT"                           251280
1980 124 "Brownsville, TX"                          212720
1980 128 "Buffalo, NY"                             1239820
1980 132 "Canton, OH"                               377720
1980 136 "Cedar Rapids, IA"                         170720
1980 140 "Champaign-Urbana-Rantoul, IL"             168900
1980 144 "Charleston, SC"                           431000
1980 152 "Charlotte, NC"                            748260
1980 156 "Chattanooga, TN"                          392200
1980 160 "Chicago"                                 7775160
1980 162 "Chico, CA"                                143480
1980 164 "Cincinnati, OH"                          1239180
1980 168 "Cleveland, OH"                           1899200
1980 172 "Colorado Springs, CO"                     312640
1980 174 "Columbia, MO"                              99940
1980 176 "Columbia, SC"                             408200
1980 184 "Columbus, OH"                            1094920
1980 188 "Corpus Christi, TX"                       271280
1980 192 "Dallas-Fort Worth, TX"                   2975260
1980 195 "Daville, VA"                              112160
1980 196 "Davenport, IA"                            327680
1980 200 "Dayton-Springfield, OH"                  1014740
1980 202 "Daytona Beach, FL"                        258720
1980 204 "Decatur, IL"                              130860
1980 208 "Denver-Boulder, CO"                      1593660
1980 212 "Des Moines, IA"                           303180
1980 216 "Detroit"                                 4286580
1980 224 "Duluth, MN"                               223280
1980 229 "Eau Claire, WI"                           130960
1980 231 "El Paso"                                  482640
1980 232 "Elkhart-Goshen, IN"                       136940
1980 236 "Erie, PA"                                 279720
1980 240 "Eugene, OR"                               275060
1980 256 "Fayetteville, NC"                         249620
1980 258 "Fayetteville, AR"                          99660
1980 264 "Flint, MI"                                451880
1980 267 "Fort Collins, CO"                         149100
1980 268 "Fort Lauderdale, FL"                     1018340
1980 270 "Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL"                206980
1980 276 "Fort Wayne, IN"                           294260
1980 284 "Fresno"                                   515540
1980 290 "Gainesville, FL"                          151740
1980 292 "Galveston, TX"                            196260
1980 300 "Grand Rapids, MI"                         599780
1980 306 "Greeley, CO"                              120940
1980 308 "Green Bay, WI"                            176080
1980 312 "Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC"  675060
1980 316 "Greenville-Spartenburg-Andersen, SC"      624500
1980 318 "Hagerston, MD"                            113300
1980 320 "Hamilton, OH"                             258320
1980 324 "Harrisburg, PA"                           446400
1980 328 "Hartford, CT"                             654880
1980 329 "Hickory, NC"                              105500
1980 332 "Honolulu, HI"                             767760
1980 336 "Houston, TX"                             2744040
1980 348 "Indianapolis, IN"                        1167200
1980 352 "Jackson, MI"                              150020
1980 356 "Jackson, MS"                              252880
1980 359 "Jacksonville, FL"                         689120
1980 360 "Jacksonville, NC"                         113660
1980 362 "Janesville, WI"                           138960
1980 366 "Johnson City, TN"                         142940
1980 368 "Johnstown, PA"                            184000
1980 371 "Joplin, MO"                               127380
1980 372 "Kalamazoo, MI"                            211620
1980 376 "Kansas City"                             1330200
1980 380 "Kenosha, WI"                              123100
1980 381 "Kileen-Temple, TX"                        217580
1980 384 "Knoxville, TN"                            475920
1980 388 "Lafayette, LA"                            151680
and the second looks like
* Example generated by -dataex-. 
input float year int metarea str39 metro double population
1990   4 "Abilene, TX"                              120493
1990   8 "Akron, OH"                                656736
1990  16 "Albany, NY"                               778477
1990  20 "Albuquerque, NM"                          479994
1990  22 "Alexandria, LA"                           131619
1990  24 "Allentown, PA"                            540986
1990  28 "Altoona, PA"                              129438
1990  32 "Amarillo, TX"                             185058
1990  38 "Anchorage, AK"                            229284
1990  44 "Ann Arbor, MI"                            285984
1990  45 "Anniston, AL"                             116087
1990  46 "Appleton, WI"                             315840
1990  52 "Atlanta, GA"                             2423588
1990  56 "Atlantic City, NJ"                        223047
1990  60 "Augusta, GA"                              395821
1990  64 "Austin, TX"                               716419
1990  68 "Bakersfield, CA"                          541891
1990  72 "Baltimore, MD"                           2344910
1990  76 "Baton Rouge, LA"                          511194
1990  84 "Beaumont, TX"                             360990
1990  86 "Bellingham, WA"                           127473
1990  87 "Benton Harbor, MI"                        162709
1990  88 "Billings, MT"                             112309
1990  92 "Biloxi-Gulfport, MS"                      198258
1990  96 "Binghamton, NY"                           213173
1990 100 "Birmingham, AL"                           802311
1990 104 "Bloomington, IL"                          130194
1990 108 "Boise, ID"                                204164
1990 112 "Boston, MA"                              3322865
1990 115 "Bremerton, WA"                            187875
1990 116 "Bridgeport, CT"                           256380
1990 124 "Brownsville, TX"                          260248
1990 128 "Buffalo, NY"                             1185626
1990 132 "Canton, OH"                               363917
1990 136 "Cedar Rapids, IA"                         169360
1990 140 "Champaign-Urbana-Rantoul, IL"             172344
1990 144 "Charleston, SC"                           504729
1990 152 "Charlotte, NC"                           1023861
1990 156 "Chattanooga, TN"                          395661
1990 160 "Chicago"                                 7872098
1990 162 "Chico, CA"                                183044
1990 164 "Cincinnati, OH"                          1269294
1990 168 "Cleveland, OH"                           1746883
1990 172 "Colorado Springs, CO"                     394239
1990 174 "Columbia, MO"                             113830
1990 176 "Columbia, SC"                             453195
1990 184 "Columbus, OH"                            1326013
1990 188 "Corpus Christi, TX"                       291267
1990 192 "Dallas-Fort Worth, TX"                   3719803
1990 195 "Daville, VA"                              105966
1990 196 "Davenport, IA"                            299802
1990 200 "Dayton-Springfield, OH"                   857036
1990 202 "Daytona Beach, FL"                        370603
1990 204 "Decatur, IL"                              118368
1990 208 "Denver-Boulder, CO"                      1782405
1990 212 "Des Moines, IA"                           322090
1990 216 "Detroit"                                 4299540
1990 224 "Duluth, MN"                               198048
1990 229 "Eau Claire, WI"                           139108
1990 231 "El Paso"                                  588226
1990 232 "Elkhart-Goshen, IN"                       156866
1990 236 "Erie, PA"                                 276466
1990 240 "Eugene, OR"                               285194
1990 256 "Fayetteville, NC"                         273828
1990 258 "Fayetteville, AR"                         112299
1990 264 "Flint, MI"                                430338
1990 267 "Fort Collins, CO"                         185727
1990 268 "Fort Lauderdale, FL"                     1255555
1990 270 "Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL"                335345
1990 276 "Fort Wayne, IN"                           303625
1990 284 "Fresno"                                   669453
1990 290 "Gainesville, FL"                          180606
1990 292 "Galveston, TX"                            217638
1990 300 "Grand Rapids, MI"                         689548
1990 306 "Greeley, CO"                              129531
1990 308 "Green Bay, WI"                            196267
1990 312 "Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC"  848427
1990 316 "Greenville-Spartenburg-Andersen, SC"      694875
1990 318 "Hagerston, MD"                            120535
1990 320 "Hamilton, OH"                             292121
1990 324 "Harrisburg, PA"                           585716
1990 328 "Hartford, CT"                             604473
1990 329 "Hickory, NC"                              118539
1990 332 "Honolulu, HI"                             831642
1990 336 "Houston, TX"                             3402893
1990 348 "Indianapolis, IN"                        1250275
1990 352 "Jackson, MI"                              151312
1990 356 "Jackson, MS"                              252807
1990 359 "Jacksonville, FL"                         670766
1990 360 "Jacksonville, NC"                         148374
1990 362 "Janesville, WI"                           141346
1990 366 "Johnson City, TN"                         284994
1990 368 "Johnstown, PA"                            239012
1990 371 "Joplin, MO"                               133881
1990 372 "Kalamazoo, MI"                            220183
1990 376 "Kansas City"                             1475121
1990 380 "Kenosha, WI"                              129567
1990 381 "Kileen-Temple, TX"                        189601
1990 384 "Knoxville, TN"                            601743
1990 388 "Lafayette, LA"                            165423
I'm not sure of the reason for this. Thanks for any help on this!