I want to create a simple table, where each row is a one of five response options (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree), each column is a different variable, and the cell values are percent of column total. I can get Stata to loop through a varlist with each variable going on a new sheet, but I'd prefer the results all side by side in one sheet. My working code (where each variable gets its own sheet)

foreach x of varlist var1-var6 {
        local RowVar = "`x'"
                    tabulate `RowVar' , missing matcell(cellcounts)
                    mata: st_matrix("total", colsum(st_matrix("cellcounts")))
putexcel set file.xlsx, sheet(`x') modify open
     putexcel A2="strongly agree" A3="agree" A4="neither agree nor disagree" A5="disagree" A6="strongy disagree"
    putexcel B1="`x'"
    local B2=string(cellcounts[1,1]/total[1,1],"%9.3f")
    putexcel B2=`B2'
    local B3=string(cellcounts[2,1]/total[1,1],"%9.3f")
    putexcel B3=`B3'
    local B4=string(cellcounts[3,1]/total[1,1],"%9.3f")
    putexcel B4=`B4'
local B5=string(cellcounts[4,1]/total[1,1],"%9.3f")
    putexcel B5=`B5'
local B6=string(cellcounts[5,1]/total[1,1],"%9.3f")
    putexcel B6=`B6'
    putexcel close
I think it calls for tokenise to link the columns and the variables, but I can't figure out how to implement that.