Hi Stata users,

I am trying to come up with percentile groups using the code below

_pctile asset_index, nquantiles(100)
return list
forval i=1/99 {
local p`i' = (r(r`i'))

gen percent = .
replace percent = 1 if asset_index < `p1'
replace percent = 100 if asset_index > `p99' & asset_index < .
forval i=1/98 {
di "``i''"
local j = `i' + 1
di "lower `p`i''"
di "upper `p`j''"
replace percent = `i' + 1 if inrange(asset_index, `p`i'', `p`j'')
ta percent
I am noticing that there are groups with extremely few number of observations such as 3 or 5. I am not sure whether the syntax is wrong or my understanding of how percentiles are calculated is misinformed.

Am attaching the dataset since
may not be the most effective way of sharing 9097 observations

Any advice is welcome.

Thanks in advance!