Good afternoon,

I am ranking across 2 variables, score_1 and score_2 by raceid, using the code below.

If the score returned in score_1 or score_2 is 0 (zero), I need the value of -1 to be returned in the relevant rank columns, not 11 as it is now.

Here is the code that I am currently using...

sort raceid
foreach v in score_1 score_2{
by raceid: egen rank_`v' = rank(-`v'),track

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(raceid score_1 score_2) float(rank_score_1 rank_score_2)
1 10 10  1  1
1  9  9  2  2
1  8  8  3  3
1  7  6  4  5
1  6  7  5  4
1  5  5  6  6
1  4  4  7  7
1  3  3  8  8
1  2  2  9  9
1  1  1 10 10
1  0  0 11 11
Thank you,