Dear All
Can help me confusions i had while checking the noramlity of data.I have checked with histogram and qq polt and both confirmed that my data is not normal.This doubt is very basic and some one might feel what kind of qeustion is this.I am very new to this area and I couldnt find an answer for this I have also run shapiro wilk test and giving the results below
Variable Obs W V z Prob>z
Z score 1,169 0.675 236.638 13.623 0.000
NPL 971 0.133 532.649 15.528 0.000
Asse risk 889 0.041 543.558 15.521 0.000
so as per the P value ,we confirm that my data is not normal.but some of the papers I found that they have confirmed normality based on W value.What value should I consider

Array Array Array

Based on the above factors can I confirm as my data is not normally distributed .I know the fact that norrmality is a weak assumption.

Thanks in advance