Dear all,

I am currently working on multiple data files in a folder.

For every files, there is a variable "key" which is identifier for observations.

The thing is the key variable has a different number in the observation per data files.

ex) for household_education.dta, it has mod1 at the end of the key variable (4237491637219_mod1)
and for household_income.dta, it has mod2 at the end of they key variable (4237491637219_mod2),

even if these two are the same observation.

In order to unify this key variable, I want to remove the mod1 and mod2 using looping. I used the following code so far, but I am stuck on the "#", where it should be 1 or 2 in my example. what should I put instead of #? Do I just need to type these one by one?

foreach file of local filelist_household_baseline {
use "`file'", clear
replace key = subinstr(key, "GROUP_MOD#-RPT_MOD#", "", .)
save, replace

Kind regards,