I am attempting to use Deal or No Deal Data to test for risk aversion parameters using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. I am relatively inexperienced in using MLE in Stata and how it works.

I am trying to use a model used in the 'Risk Aversion in Game Shows' Chapter in Volume 12 - Risk Aversion in Experiments (2008). Harrison and Lau (2008) have a paper called 'Maximum likelihood estimation of utility functions using Stata' which provides Stata code to evaluate the lottery choices of Harrison and Rutström [2005], which uses the same model. I have altered this code to match my dataset, however, when running this program I am unable to find any feasible values despite having altered the model many times and reducing the dataset to only final round decisions, even though this model has previously been used for DOND data.

The code they provide in their paper is as follows:
program define ML_eut0
* specify the arguments of this program
args lnf r

* declare the temporary variables to be used
tempvar choice prob0l prob1l prob2l prob3l prob0r prob1r prob2r prob3r endow m0 m1 m2 m3 y0 y1 y2 y3 euL euR euDiff

* please do not display all these steps on the screen, for every ML iteration!

quietly {

* initialize the data
generate int `choice' = $ML_y1
generate double `prob0l' = $ML_y2
generate double `prob1l' = $ML_y3
generate double `prob2l' = $ML_y4
generate double `prob3l' = $ML_y5
generate double `prob0r' = $ML_y6
generate double `prob1r' = $ML_y7
generate double `prob2r' = $ML_y8
generate double `prob3r' = $ML_y9
generate double `m0' = $ML_y10
generate double `m1' = $ML_y11
generate double `m2' = $ML_y12
generate double `m3' = $ML_y13
generate double `endow' = $ML_y14

* construct the argument of the utility function
replace `m0' = `endow'+`m0'
replace `m1' = `endow'+`m1'
replace `m2' = `endow'+`m2'
replace `m3' = `endow'+`m3'

* evaluate the utility function
generate double `y0' = `m0'^`r'
generate double `y1' = `m1'^`r'
generate double `y2' = `m2'^`r'
generate double `y3' = `m3'^`r'

* calculate EU of each lottery
generate double `euL' = (`prob0l'*`y0')+(`prob1l'*`y1')+(`prob2l'*`y2')+(`prob3l'*`y3')
generate double `euR' = (`prob0r'*`y0')+(`prob1r'*`y1')+(`prob2r'*`y2')+(`prob3r'*`y3')

* get the Fechner index
generate double `euDiff' = `euR' - `euL'

* evaluate the likelihood
replace `lnf' = ln(normal( `euDiff')) if `choice'==1
replace `lnf' = ln(normal(-`euDiff')) if `choice'==0

* save the calculated likelihood in an external storage variable (for post-processing, explained later)
replace ll = `lnf'

ml model lf ML_eut0 (r: Choices P0left P1left P2left P3left P0right P1right P2right P3right prize0 prize1 prize2 prize3
       stake = ), cluster(id) technique(nr) maximize
I have adapted the following sections in order for it to match my dataset and variables:

tempvar Choice Bankoffer probr1 probr2 probr3 probr4 probr5 probr6 probr7 probr8 probr9 probr10 probr11 probr12 probr13 probr14 /*
*/ probr15 probr16 probr17 probr18 probr19 probr1 probr20 probr21 probr22 probr23 probr24 probr25 probr26 /*
*/ onepence onepound five ten twentyfive fifty seventyfive onehundred twohundred threehundred fourhundred fivehundred /*
*/ sevenhundredfifty onethousand fivethousand tenthousand twentyfivethousand fiftythousand seventyfivethousand /*
*/ onehundredthousand twohundredthousand threehundredthousand fourhundredthousand fivehundredthousand /*
*/ sevenhundredfiftythousand onemillion y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16 y17 y18 y19 y20 /*
*/ y21 y22 y23 y24 y25 y26 y27 y28 euL euR euDiff

generate int `Choice' = $ML_y1
generate double `Bankoffer'= $ML_y2
generate double `probr1' = $ML_y3
generate double `probr2' = $ML_y4
generate double `probr3' = $ML_y5
generate double `probr4' = $ML_y6
generate double `probr5' = $ML_y7
generate double `probr6' = $ML_y8
generate double `probr7' = $ML_y9
generate double `probr8' = $ML_y10
generate double `probr9' = $ML_y11
generate double `probr10' = $ML_y12
generate double `probr11' = $ML_y13
generate double `probr12' = $ML_y14
generate double `probr13' = $ML_y15
generate double `probr14' = $ML_y16
generate double `probr15' = $ML_y17
generate double `probr16' = $ML_y18
generate double `probr17' = $ML_y19
generate double `probr18' = $ML_y20
generate double `probr19' = $ML_y21
generate double `probr20' = $ML_y22
generate double `probr21' = $ML_y23
generate double `probr22' = $ML_y24
generate double `probr23' = $ML_y25
generate double `probr24' = $ML_y26
generate double `probr25' = $ML_y27
generate double `probr26' = $ML_y28
generate double `onepence' = $ML_y29
generate double `onepound' = $ML_y30
generate double `five' = $ML_y31
generate double `ten' = $ML_y32
generate double `twentyfive' = $ML_y33
generate double `fifty' = $ML_y34
generate double `seventyfive' = $ML_y35
generate double `onehundred' = $ML_y36
generate double `twohundred' = $ML_y37
generate double `threehundred' = $ML_y38
generate double `fourhundred' = $ML_y39
generate double `fivehundred' = $ML_y40
generate double `sevenhundredfifty' = $ML_y41
generate double `onethousand' = $ML_y42
generate double `fivethousand' = $ML_y43
generate double `tenthousand' = $ML_y44
generate double `twentyfivethousand' = $ML_y45
generate double `fiftythousand' = $ML_y46
generate double `seventyfivethousand' = $ML_y47
generate double `onehundredthousand' = $ML_y48
generate double `twohundredthousand' = $ML_y49
generate double `threehundredthousand' = $ML_y50
generate double `fourhundredthousand' = $ML_y51
generate double `fivehundredthousand' = $ML_y52
generate double `sevenhundredfiftythousand' = $ML_y53
generate double `onemillion' = $ML_y54

generate double `y0' = (`Bankoffer'^`r')
generate double `y1' = (`onepence'^`r')
generate double `y2' = (`onepound'^`r')
generate double `y3' = (`five'^`r')
generate double `y4' = (`ten'^`r')
generate double `y5' = (`twentyfive'^`r')
generate double `y6' = (`fifty'^`r')
generate double `y7' = (`seventyfive'^`r')
generate double `y8' = (`onehundred'^`r')
generate double `y9' = (`twohundred'^`r')
generate double `y10' = (`threehundred'^`r')
generate double `y11' = (`fourhundred'^`r')
generate double `y12' = (`fivehundred'^`r')
generate double `y13' = (`sevenhundredfifty'^`r')
generate double `y14' = (`onethousand'^`r')
generate double `y15' = (`fivethousand'^`r')
generate double `y16' = (`tenthousand'^`r')
generate double `y17' = (`twentyfivethousand'^`r')
generate double `y18' = (`fiftythousand'^`r')
generate double `y19' = (`seventyfivethousand'^`r')
generate double `y20' = (`onehundredthousand'^`r')
generate double `y21' = (`twohundredthousand'^`r')
generate double `y22' = (`threehundredthousand'^`r')
generate double `y23' = (`fourhundredthousand'^`r')
generate double `y24' = (`fivehundredthousand'^`r')
generate double `y25' = (`sevenhundredfiftythousand'^`r')
generate double `y26' = (`onemillion'^`r')

generate double `euL' = `y0'
generate double `euR' = (`probr1'*`y1')+(`probr2'*`y2')+(`probr3'*`y3')+(`probr4'*`y4')+(`probr5'*`y5')+(`probr6'*`y6')/*
*/ +(`probr7'*`y7')+(`probr8'*`y8')+(`probr9'*`y9')+(`probr10'*`y10')+(`probr11'*`y11')+(`probr12'*`y12')+(`probr13'*`y13') /*
*/ +(`probr14'*`y14')+(`probr15'*`y15')+(`probr16'*`y16')+(`probr17'*`y17')+(`probr18'*`y18')+(`probr19'*`y19') /*
*/ +(`probr20'*`y20')+(`probr21'*`y21')+(`probr22'*`y22')+(`probr23'*`y23')+(`probr24'*`y24')+(`probr25'*`y25')+(`probr26'*`y26')
In this case, the probabilities are associated with the boxes left at the end of each round, and the variables for the box values contain a 0 or the numerical value of the box. All the rest of the code remains the same except the execution line.

When carried out Stata is unable to find any feasible values, despite this model having worked in previous research. I was hoping to develop this initial code to include errors and use other utility functions etc, however, without getting this basic model to work I am not sure how to proceed. I was wondering if someone could help me find my error, or whether it was an issue with the model being used. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance.