Hello everyone,

I would like to use -marginsplot- multiple times. My aim is to plot all values of a continuous variable (here z_v2x_clphy) over dichotomous values (i.v2x_regime_01). I don't want to copy+paste the min and max values of the variable manually like I did here:

fracreg logit dvfrac_year c.z_v2x_clphy##i.v2x_regime_01 [fweight=cnt_total_year], vce(cluster country_id)
margins i.v2x_regime_01, at(c.z_v2x_clphy=(-2.453303(0.1)1.03632))
-summarize- stores r(min) and r(max) values of a variable. Is there a way to use these in the margins syntax? I get "invalid numlist" error message as I type:
sum z_v2x_clphy
margins i.v2x_regime_01, at(c.z_v2x_clphy=(r(min)(0.1)r(max)))
Please let me know if you I shall provide some further information. I am open to alternatives and work arounds.

Have a good one!