Hello, I am curious about how to use "foreach" or "forvalues" command in this situation below:
gen hlimit1979 = r0144800
gen hlimit1980 = r0298800
gen hlimit1981 = r0478100
gen hlimit1982 = r0776300
gen hlimit1983 = r1021000
gen hlimit1984 = r1390300
gen hlimit1985 = r1773200
gen hlimit1986 = r2140700
gen hlimit1987 = r2348500
gen hlimit1988 = r2710900
gen hlimit1989 = r2959000
gen hlimit1990 = r3270400
gen hlimit1991 = r3557900
gen hlimit1992 = r3885500
gen hlimit1993 = r4283900
gen hlimit1994 = r4961100
gen hlimit1996 = r5616600
gen hlimit1998 = r6343600
gen hlimit2000 = r6887200
gen hlimit2002 = r7597600
gen hlimit2004 = r8297400
gen hlimit2006 = t0895700
gen hlimit2008 = t2051500
gen hlimit2010 = t3022800
gen hlimit2012 = t3953000
gen hlimit2014 = t4890700
gen hlimit2016 = t5593800
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