Hello Statalist,

I am attempting to create a group ID which identifies each unique combination of the variables "investorid", "AnnounceDate2", and "uniqueinvestmentid" in the example data below.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(investorid AnnounceDate2) str11 uniqueinvestmentid
1 17995 "16x3307" 
1 17995 "16x3307" 
1 17995 "16x3307" 
1 17995 "16x3307" 
1 18443 "16x13109"
1 18567 "16x3990" 
1 18604 "16x12503"
1 18736 "16x6502" 
1 19153 "16x7257" 
1 19450 "16x2982" 
1 19801 "16x11283"
1 19844 "16x11559"
1 19927 "16x11810"
1 19996 "16x4271" 
1 20032 "16x6827" 
1 20187 "16x6907" 
1 20206 "16x5897" 
1 20502 "16x6593" 
1 20545 "16x6809" 
1 20683 "16x4722" 
1 20698 "16x4745" 
1 20759 "16x9229" 
1 20836 "16x6372" 
1 20957 "16x12705"
1 20978 "16x2978" 
1 21154 "16x103"  
1 21172 "16x2978" 
1 21202 "16x4231" 
1 21535 "16x5931" 
2 20226 "17x4326" 
format %td AnnounceDate2
I can use the following code:

egen investmentid = group(investorid AnnounceDate2 uniqueinvestmentid)
but this just makes a continuing count all the way to the end of the data, whereas I want the investmentid to start again at 1 when it moves to investorid==2, and so on. Unfortunately, I cannot use the following code:

bysort investorid: egen investmentid = group(AnnounceDate2 uniqueinvestmentid)
because you cannot combine bysort with egen commands.

I tried to do the following as well:

bysort investorid: gen investmentid=_n
replace investmentid[_n]=investmentid [_n-1] if AnnounceDate2[_n]==AnnounceDate2[_n-1] & uniqueinvestmentid[_n]==uniqueinvestmentid[_n-1]
But unfortunately this gives me the error code "weights not allowed", an issue that, based on my reserach, is fairly well-documented, because Stata interprets the [_n] in the initial statement as a weight and refuses to combine it with the replace command.

Given all of the above - does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might achieve what I'd like to do here? It seems like a fairly easy issue in terms of logic but I cannot get there. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!