I am using the data set provided in this study, "Oxford COVID-19 govt response tracker' here to graph the different measures implemented by states from the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in Europe.
Contains data
  obs:        10,182                          
 vars:            37                          
              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
CountryName     str32   %32s                  CountryName
CountryCode     str3    %9s                   CountryCode
Date            long    %10.0g                Date
strDate         str8    %9s                   Date
S1_Schoolclos~g byte    %10.0g                S1_School closing
S1_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S1_IsGeneral
S2_Workplacec~g byte    %10.0g                S2_Workplace closing
S2_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S2_IsGeneral
S3_Cancelpubl~s byte    %10.0g                S3_Cancel public events
S3_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S3_IsGeneral
S4_Closepubli~t byte    %10.0g                S4_Close public transport
S4_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S4_IsGeneral
S5_Publicinfo~s byte    %10.0g                S5_Public information campaigns
S5_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S5_IsGeneral
S6_Restrictio~e byte    %10.0g                S6_Restrictions on internal movement
S6_IsGeneral    byte    %10.0g                S6_IsGeneral
S7_Internatio~s byte    %10.0g                S7_International travel controls
S8_Fiscalmeas~s double  %10.0g                S8_Fiscal measures
S9_Monetaryme~s double  %10.0g                S9_Monetary measures
S10_Emergency~l double  %10.0g                S10_Emergency investment in health care
S11_Investmen~s double  %10.0g                S11_Investment in Vaccines
ConfirmedCases  long    %10.0g                ConfirmedCases
ConfirmedDeaths int     %10.0g                ConfirmedDeaths
StringencyIndex byte    %10.0g                StringencyIndex
tsdate          float   %td                  
ctry            long    %8.0g      ctry       CountryCode
tsdate and ctry are generated by me;

My goal is to graph together, comparative, head-to-head, not time delayed, some selected countries (ITA ESP, FRA, ROU) using as reference:
1) days from the first case reported for one graph
2) cumulative number of confirmed cases for another graph.
I declared the set timeseries by ctry and tsdate and used addplot to overlay the four graphs, using for the X reference the lagged time between first case in each country: France having the first case reported (Jan 24), Italy and Spain 8 days later (Jan 31) and Romania 34 days later (Feb 26).
It worked (see below), however the X labels are misleading (of course I can have them removed) and I don't find it very elegant.

Is there a way to do this more directly and having control over the legend?

Regarding the second graph, using the number of cases as the X reference worked by overriding the panel setting with t(ConfirmedCases), but the graph looks like this:
Any ideea how to use the whole plot area?

Thank you!