Hi there!

I'm having some difficulties saving and combining graphs that I have created using a foreach loop and the mrgraph command. The problem seems to be related to the fact that I'm using a wildcard with the mrtab command, but the resulting graphs can't be saved with the "*" in their name (because I suppose it is invalid syntax).

I'm using the following code:

local Q1a1vars Q1a1_*
local Q1a2vars Q1a2_*
local mrvars `Q1a1vars' `Q1a2vars'

foreach var of local mrvars {
mrtab `var'
mrgraph hbar `var' , stat(col) name(`var')

where the local Q1a1vars, for example, contains Q1a1_a Q1a1_b Q1a1_c etc. (which is why I use the wildcard). mrvars is therefore a local of locals. In the actual dataset, I hope to perform this foreach loop over a total of 33 similarly constructed locals, but I'm just including two here so as to not over-complicate things.

I'm able to successfully generate the graphs using mrgraph, it's just the naming that is a problem.

Does anyone have any advice about how I could name the graphs?

Please let me know if any additional information is needed!