I have a problem with my code and I don´t know how to solve it. The issue is that I have several folders and within each folder a file(s) that can be in different formats, actually either ".txt" or ".trs", for files in forlders 2004, 2009-2017 and from 2005-2008 respectively: for example:
Main_path\Of course I would like to read and save all at once and not have to manually change the code. I have also tried to set a "else if" for folders from 2005 to 2008 but it didn´t work either. So, I would appreciate if somebody could point out what I am doing wrong and propose an alternative to make it run all straight through.
However, I am utterly puzzled by the fact that when running the code as is below, it would only read and save files with extension ".trs", but when I comment the second chunk and uncomment the third it would only read and save ".txt" files.
Kind Regards
cd "${rawdata_path}" ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** DATA EXTRACTION ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** // BE CAREFUL!!! there are two else, comment one local folder: dir . dirs "*" foreach i of local folder { di "`i'" if "`i'" == "MCVL2004" { local filename : dir "${rawdata_path}/`i'" files "*.txt" foreach f in `filename'{ di "`f'" cd "${rawdata_path}/`i'" import delimited "`f'", delimiter(space) bindquote(nobind) case(preserve) asfloat clear local name "`f'" local name = subinstr("`name'", ".txt", "", 1) save "${datasets_path}/`i'/`name'.dta", replace } } else { local filename : dir "${rawdata_path}/`i'" files "*.trs" foreach f in `filename'{ di "`f'" cd "${rawdata_path}/`i'" import delimited "`f'", delimiter(";", asstring) bindquote(nobind) case(preserve) asfloat clear local name "`f'" local name = subinstr("`name'", ".trs", "", 1) save "${datasets_path}/`i'/`name'.dta", replace } } /* else { local filename : dir "${rawdata_path}/`i'" files "*.txt" foreach f in `filename'{ di "`f'" cd "${rawdata_path}/`i'" import delimited "`f'", delimiter(";", asstring) bindquote(nobind) case(preserve) asfloat clear local name "`f'" local name = subinstr("`name'", ".txt", "", 1) save "${datasets_path}/`i'/`name'.dta", replace } } */ }
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