Dear all, It's my first time posting a question (I have been applying lots of tips you guys have solved). In advance, I would like to say I am a huge fan of Mr. Nick Cox (I have learned a lot due to its comments).
I am trying to use the same commands from the paper published by Dr. Anna Makles entitled "Stata tip 110: How to get the optimal k-means cluster solution, Stata Journal (2012) 12, Number 2, pp. 347-351".
The command used is executed until the last line, however, before the graphs are estimated, the following fault appears:
"unexpected end of file"
r (612)
Could you help me to solve this question?

The command applied was the follows:

. use, clear

. local list1 " flex speed strength "

. foreach v of varlist `list1´ {
2. egen z_`v' = std(`v')
3. local list2 "flex speed strength"
4. forvalues k = 1(1)20 {
5. cluster kmeans `list2´, k(`k') start(random(123)) name(cs`k')
6. }
7. * WSS matrix
. matrix WSS = J(20,5,.)
8. matrix colnames WSS = k WSS log(WSS) eta-squared PRE
9. * WSS for each clustering
. forvalues k = 1(1)20 {
10. scalar ws`k' = 0
11. foreach v of varlist `list2´ {
12. quietly anova `v' cs`k'
13. scalar ws`k' = ws`k' + e(rss)
14. }
15. matrix WSS[`k', 1] = `k'
16. matrix WSS[`k', 2] = ws`k'
17. matrix WSS[`k', 3] = log(ws`k')
18. matrix WSS[`k', 4] = 1 - ws`k'/WSS[1,2]
19. matrix WSS[`k', 5] = (WSS[`k'-1,2] - ws`k')/WSS[`k'-1,2]
20. }
21. matrix list WSS
22. local squared = char(178)
23. _matplot WSS, columns(2 1) connect(l) xlabel(#10) name(plot1, replace) nodraw noname
24. _matplot WSS, columns(3 1) connect(l) xlabel(#10) name(plot2, replace) nodraw noname
25. _matplot WSS, columns(4 1) connect(l) xlabel(#10) name(plot3, replace) nodraw noname ytitle({&eta}`squared')
26. _matplot WSS, columns(5 1) connect(l) xlabel(#10) name(plot4, replace) nodraw noname
27. graph combine plot1 plot2 plot3 plot4, name(plot1to4, replace)
unexpected end of file

end of do-file

I am using STATA 13.0