
I am trying to use insheet multiple .xlxs files and then extract filename. This is my code:

foreach x in country1 country2 country3{

local files : dir "${Data}/Raw/`x'" files "*.xlsx"

foreach f of local files {
import excel "`f'", sheet("Sheet1") cellrange(C11) firstrow
    local state=substr("`f'", 1, strlen("`f'") - 5)
    gen state = "`state'"
    gen country = "`x'"
    save "${Data}/Clean/`x'/`state'", replace

However, I get the error that filename1.xlxs not found where filename1 is one of my files. I am not sure what is the issue. Any help would be appreciated! Please also let me know if my code to extract the filename should work.

Thank you.