I have come across a problem that I can't seem to solve. In my data, i have, among a lot more data, a collection of firms and data about if they innovated or not. Something like this:
Year ID innovation
2007 1 0
2008 1 23
2009 1 0
2007 2 45
2008 2 48
2007 3 0
2008 3 0
2009 3 0
2007 4 34
2007 5 0
What I need to do is to create a variable, innovator, that would be 0 if a firm never innovated, and 1 if it innovated at least one time during the time it is in the database. In this case, innovator would be 1 for company 1, 2 and 4 and it woukd be 0 for company 3 and 5.
How can I solve this? I've tried to do
generate innovator = 0
replace innovator = 1 if innovation >0
but this will give values of innovator==1 only for the year in which the firm innovated, and that's not what I need.
Any help would be much appreciated

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