Hi all,

Is there a way to stop Stata from truncating variable value labels in results tables (say in -proportion-) and widen the column for the variable value labels? For example, if in a dataset I want to see the proportion of observations by race, I get the following results table from -svy: proportion race, cformat(%9.2fc)-:

Survey: Proportion estimation

Number of strata =       1        Number of obs   =     14,058
                                  Population size =  4,829,930
                                  Replications    =        178
                                  Design df       =        177

      _prop_4: sdracem = Asian/Pacific Island
      _prop_5: sdracem = Amer Ind/Alaska Natv

             |              Jackknife            Normal
             | Proportion   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
sdracem      |
       White |       0.60       0.02          0.57        0.63
       Black |       0.15       0.01          0.13        0.17
    Hispanic |       0.18       0.01          0.15        0.21
     _prop_4 |       0.05       0.00          0.04        0.05
     _prop_5 |       0.02       0.01          0.00        0.03
       Other |       0.01       0.00          0.01        0.01
I can find options to change the format of the numeric results (as in the -cformat- option above), but not to change the width of the variable value labels column. I see the legend, and -nolegend- doesn't help here, either. I just want to see the full width of the variable value labels, even if they're quite wide.

Barring the possibility of this, does anyone happen to know the number of characters allowed in a value label before truncation occurs?
