Dear all,

I am working on my bachelor essay and I have to use stata for a regression. My topic is the difference of impact of the Olympic and the Paralympic games on tourism. In previous literature, it's common to use the gravity model but it is not possible here due to the data available.
I want to run a diff-in-diff with three time periods to compare the time before, during and after the event. The dependant variable is the tourist arrivals, We have a dummy variable for the threatment group, =1 for greece, the hosting country and =0 for the control groups which are spain, croatia and
italy. Time is showed by the monthly variable timeOG, and =0 for the period before the Olympics, =1 during the Olympics in august and =2 for after the Olympics, as you can see on the screenshot of our data.


Our main problem is that stata considers that timeOG is a binary variable and does the diff-in-diff only between the time before and the time during the event. Is it possible to have a difference between three periods or not ?
Futhermore, I would like to control for country fixed effect, but I don't know how to do it. Does anyone have a clue?



I'm quite new to stata so Don't hesitate to tell me if my question is futile or if the method I want to use is not the right one.
Thank you all.