I have Stacked on how to manipulate my data to make the Reshape Command Works. In my case I want to use i(y2_hhid) and j(zaocode) in a reshape command. However the zaocode - identifier for the crop appeared twice ( quantity harvested in farm "MI" and "M2") in the same household ( y2_hhid) and therefore not unique. See for example: household "0101014002029701" , zaocode 11 appeared twice with quantity 750 and 200 that comes from farm "M1" and "M2" respectively. When I try to reshape thee data to wide, stata gives me an error message that the j(zaocode) is not Unique.
Is there a way I can do to reshape the data and get accurate value of the total quantity of each product in each household?
note: the zaocode has missing values which I drooped them before running a reshape wide command.
Kindly Assist.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str16 y2_hhid int zaocode long(ag4a_15 ag4a_16) str3 plotnum "0101014002017101" 13 200 30000 "M1" "0101014002017101" 14 240 36000 "M1" "0101014002017101" 12 100 30000 "M2" "0101014002028401" 11 220 38500 "M1" "0101014002028401" 41 100 14000 "M1" "0101014002029701" 11 750 157500 "M1" "0101014002029701" 11 200 42000 "M2" "0101014002040901" 14 360 63000 "M1" "0101014002040901" 34 40 40000 "M1" "0101014002040901" 36 40 32000 "M1" "0101014002040901" 11 108 21000 "M2" "0101014002040901" 41 420 87500 "M2" "0101014002047101" 13 100 18000 "M1" "0101014002047101" 14 200 36000 "M1" "0101014002055101" 14 500 50000 "M1" "0101014002055101" 34 80 60000 "M1" "0101014002055101" 34 20 15000 "M2" "0101014002055101" 41 420 87500 "M2" "0101014002076101" 11 60 9000 "M1" "0101014002076101" 11 120 18000 "M2" "0101014002076101" 41 120 18000 "M2" "0101014002076101" . . . "M3" "0101014002076201" 11 100 15000 "M1" "0101014002076201" 34 840 126000 "M1" "0101014002076201" 34 160 2700 "M2" "0102003003000401" 11 480 72000 "M1" "0102003003000401" 11 600 90000 "M2" "0102003003000401" 13 240 24000 "M3" "0102003003002201" 13 260 65000 "M1" "0102003003002201" 13 360 90000 "M2" "0102003003002201" 13 1800 450000 "M3" "0102003003002201" 32 240 96000 "M3" "0102003003002201" 43 240 200000 "M3" "0102003003014001" 11 200 40000 "M1" "0102003003014001" . . . "M2" "0102003003016101" 11 300 54000 "M1" "0102003003016101" 13 200 36000 "M1" "0102003003016101" 11 300 54000 "M2" "0102003003016101" 43 60 36000 "M2" "0102003003017401" 11 2160 480000 "M1" "0102003003017401" 34 140 84000 "M1" "0102003003017401" 11 1728 384000 "M2" "0102003003017401" 11 2700 675000 "M3" "0102003003017401" 31 160 128000 "M4" "0102003003017401" 11 1296 324000 "M5" "0102003003017401" 43 1200 420000 "M5" "0102003003020001" . . . "M1" "0102003003020001" 11 2000 280000 "M2" "0102003003043001" 11 400 120000 "M1" "0102003003043001" 21 . . "M1" "0102003003043001" 11 600 180000 "M2" "0102003003043001" 21 . . "M2" "0102003003043001" 11 200 60000 "M3" "0102003003043001" . . . "M4" "0102003003043001" 11 300 90000 "M5" "0102003003043001" 31 100 108000 "M5" "0102003003043001" 11 200 60000 "M6" "0102003003043001" 31 200 200000 "M7" "0102003003047901" 11 240 48000 "M1" "0102003003047901" 41 60 9000 "M1" "0102003003047901" 11 320 64000 "M2" "0102003003047901" 13 88 14000 "M2" "0102017003000101" 13 120 18000 "M1" "0102017003000101" 13 160 24000 "M2" "0102017003000101" 14 180 27000 "M3" "0102017003000101" 43 300 30000 "M4" "0102017003000101" 13 160 24000 "M5" "0102017003000104" 13 400 84000 "M1" "0102017003000104" 41 225 90000 "M1" "0102017003000104" 43 150 150000 "M1" "0102017003001701" 11 400 96000 "M1" "0102017003001701" 41 60 12000 "M1" "0102017003001701" 42 100 76000 "M1" "0102017003002201" 13 600 150000 "M1" "0102017003004801" 13 480 96000 "M1" "0102017003004801" 11 240 48000 "M2" "0102017003004801" 13 160 32000 "M2" "0102017003004801" 32 1900 160000 "M2" "0102017003004801" 11 360 72000 "M3" "0102017003004801" 43 660 200000 "M3" "0102017003010001" 13 800 168000 "M1" "0102017003010001" 14 4800 1008000 "M1" "0102017003024101" 13 240 36000 "M1" "0102017003024101" 32 80 40000 "M1" "0102017003024101" 13 600 90000 "M2" "0102017003024101" 32 40 10000 "M2" "0102017003024101" 41 120 36000 "M2" "0102017003024601" 13 120 12000 "M1" "0102017003024601" 32 40 20000 "M1" "0102017003024601" 13 360 36000 "M2" "0103013004016101" 11 150 37000 "M1" "0103013004016101" . . . "M2" "0103013004016101" . . . "M3" "0103013004016101" . . . "M4" "0103013004021901" 43 100 36000 "M1" "0103013004021901" 11 180 30000 "M2" "0103013004021901" 13 360 54000 "M3" "0103013004021901" 13 100 15000 "M4" "0103013004025901" 11 40 8000 "M1" "0103013004025901" 43 . . "M1" end label values zaocode zaocode label def zaocode 11 "Maize", modify label def zaocode 12 "Paddy", modify label def zaocode 13 "Sorghum", modify label def zaocode 14 "Bulrush Millet", modify label def zaocode 21 "Cassava", modify label def zaocode 31 "Beans", modify label def zaocode 32 "Cowpeas", modify label def zaocode 34 "Pigeon pea", modify label def zaocode 36 "Bambara nuts", modify label def zaocode 41 "Sunflower", modify label def zaocode 42 "Sesame", modify label def zaocode 43 "Groundnut", modify
0 Response to Reshaping Long to Wide when the ID is Not Unique
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