Consider the following full worked example
import delimited "", ///
 rowrange(45:75) clear delim(")") bindquote(strict)

 replace v2 =ustrregexra(v2,"\p{Z}","")
My goal is to remove all leading and trailing spaces in my string variable, since a command I've written doesn't play nice with trailing spaces.

As current, my syntax here gets rid of leading spaces (and apparently the one for Inner Mongolia, but for now I can live with that). Optimally, I'd want all leading and trailing spaces gone. Equally, I've tried
import delimited "", ///
 rowrange(45:75) clear delim(")") bindquote(strict)

 replace v2 =strtrim(v2)
And I still have trailing spaces. Why? Maybe it's a special character being interpreted by me as a space?