I am exploring a dataset of patient data from 20 hospitals for 3 years. Among which 9 hospitals are in the treatment group, and 11 hospitals are in the control group.
The dataset is pooled cross-sectional at the patient level, but panel at the hospital level. I have two goals:
1. Find out if a hospital-level intervention has an impact on patients' medical costs. I want to fit a fixed-effect model, controlling for hospital and year fixed effects.
First, following https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...in-differences I tried:
reg cost intervention i.hospital_id i.year_id
Second, I tried:
xtset year_id xtreg cost intervention i.hospital_id, fe
2. Find out if a hospital-level intervention has an impact on the hospitals' admission rates.
In this case, should I aggregate the patient data to the hospital level? How could I do it? Should I take the averages of patient data in a specific year and a specific hospital?
I only have 20 observations at the hospital level, is this too small? Which method could I use if I cannot acquire more observations? Which if I can increase the sample size?
Thank you very much for your reply and favor.
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