Hi guys

I have another thread active, but i think my explanation was not clear, why i am trying again. I am very new to Stata and fixed effect regression so i apologize if my questions seem stupid.

In the bottom i have included an example of my data set.

What i wish to do is a regression where my dependent variable is ReturnMultiple and want to explain this by InvestorOrigin (dummy variable if investor is 1=foreign, 2=local, 3=mixed)
In my base model i control for Exit type (dummy variable if exit type is 1=IPO, 2=share buyback 3=market sale), Size of transaction at exit and Holding period
With this my baseline model becomes: reg ReturnMultiple i.InvestorOrigin i.ExitType SizeAtExit HoldingPeriodMonths
The conclusions from this model is very interesting (as local perform much better)
I would like to control for fixed effects of the Target industry, Target country and Exit year. to see if this further enhance the conclusions.

My knowledge of Stata and fixed regressions is not sufficient to do this, so that is why is ask for help..

Can i achieve this by the following equation?
reg ReturnMultiple i.InvestorOrigin i.ExitType SizeAtExit HoldingPeriodMonths i.TargetCountry i.TargetIndustry i.ExitYear

Or do i have to use the xtreg? And if so, do you have ideas of how the code could look like?

Overall the dataset consists of ~3000 transactions in the period of 2012-2018 (7 years), within ~20 different industries and within 6 different countries.

I really hope you guys are able to help me with this

Thank you so much in advance

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
InvestorOrigin ExitType ExitYear SizeAtExitUSD TargetCountry HoldingPeriodMonths TargetIndustry ReturnMultiple
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2018   3.29 "Vietnam"      46.3 "Transportation/ Distribution" -.63
"Local"   "Market sale"   2010   2.64 "India"        64.5 "Textiles and clothing"         .12
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014    .11 "India"       104.1 "Electronics"                   .18
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2012   8.37 "China (PRC)"  57.1 "Retail/Wholesale"               .2
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2013     15 "India"        68.5 "Construction"                   .2
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014   4.94 "India"       117.8 "Infrastructure"                .22
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014   1.69 "India"        88.6 "Textiles and clothing"         .25
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014    .15 "India"        95.3 "Electronics"                   .26
"Local"   "Market sale"   2011    .14 "China (PRC)"   8.2 "Computer related"              .29
"Foreign" "Share buyback" 2013    7.7 "India"        71.4 "Travel/Hospitality"             .3
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2013    9.8 "India"          91 "Transportation/ Distribution"   .3
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014   3.21 "India"        83.2 "Textiles and clothing"         .31
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2012    5.2 "India"        20.6 "Manufacturing - Heavy"          .4
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2013 305.88 "India"        74.5 "Telecommunications"            .47
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2009   2.91 "India"        50.9 "Leisure/Entertainment"         .49
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2012   9.15 "India"        72.4 "Transportation/ Distribution"  .54
"Local"   "Share buyback" 2012  15.32 "Malaysia"     26.4 "Services - Non-Financial"      .54
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2013  56.03 "China (PRC)"  31.8 "Utilities"                     .56
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014  56.09 "India"        78.6 "Utilities"                     .63
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2013   12.9 "China (PRC)"  63.6 "Medical"                       .65
"Foreign" "Share buyback" 2013  54.87 "Malaysia"     73.1 "Mining and metals"             .66
"Foreign" "Market sale"   2014   1.83 "India"        95.7 "Manufacturing - Heavy"         .68