Code for fixed effect regression using Driscoll-Kraay standard errors and residual prediction :

xtscc realgvaperh lifesatisfaction anxiety logrealgfcfl2, re

predict newREDK2, resid

qnorm newREDK2
Here is the qnrom :

I think the lack of normal distribution is due to a variable I have that has an upward yearly trend

Not a great graph, can't seem to get the colour coding right, but it's panel data and this is a scatter

scatter logrealgfcfl2 Year
Here is the graph :

Of the data against time, as you can see it sort of trends upwards for every panel variable individually. It's already put in real terms and it's already logged and it's still trending, I've tried taking the data away from a lagged version of itself (difference detrending I think it's called?) and that didn't help much.

My dependant variable's qnorm looks similar, so there's a lack of normality there as well. Could this be causing it?

Dep variable qnorm :