As you can see from my code below, I only want to plot the cells with F statistics higher than 10. It turns out that when x is 3 (reference decile is 3), all the Fs are lower than 10. I expected to see a blank column along the vertical line x=3, but STATA filled the column in with adjacent values.
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
twoway (contour ref_b sub_n ref_n if ref_n!=sub_n & P_val<0.05 & F>10, /// format(%5.2g) ccuts($expblist) interp(none) crule(hue) heatmap), /// ylabel(1(1)10, grid ticks) ytitle("Subject Decile" " ") yscale(range(1 10)) /// xlabel(1(1)10, grid ticks) xtitle(Reference Decile) xscale(range(1 10)) /// ztitle("Estimated Reference Effect with" "A P-value Less Than 5% and" "F Statistics Greater Than 10") /// xsize(20) ysize(15) /// title("Figure A14 Estimated Coefficients of Reference Consumption Instrumented " "by Bartik Consumption Weighted by Number of Children", size(medsmall)) /// name(NewplanFigureA14SigCoff, replace) saving(NewplanFigureA14SigCoff, replace)
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