Dear all,

I am working with a dataset about economic activities in Brazil such as the one below (going through A to U in variable 'secao')

id secao descricao_secao
1 A Agricultura e Pecuaria
5 B Industria Extrativa
8 C Industria de Transformacao

I would like to replace the variable 'descricao_secao' to be like

id secao descricao_secao
1 A Agricultura e Pecuaria
2 Agricultura e Pecuaria
3 Agricultura e Pecuaria
4 Agricultura e Pecuaria
5 B Industria Extrativa
6 Industria Extrativa
7 Industria Extrativa
8 C Industria de Transformacao
9 Industria de Transformacao
10 Industria de Transformacao
11 Industria de Transformacao
12 Industria de Transformacao

The interest here is to find a way of replacing the value of the current observation for variable 'descricao_secao' with the last observation to fill the gaps until the next different value of the variable 'secao'.

I ran the following command but I couldn't manage to solve the issue:

bys id: replace descricao_secao=descricao_secao[_n-1] if secao[_n-1]!="" & _n!=1
//if it worked, then I would just replace the first obs after that

Stata throws no error but it does not replace any value.

Could you help me to find a solution for that?

Thank you very much!

To import the original dataset:

input id str10 secao str30 descricao_secao
1 "A" "Agricultura e Pecuaria"
2 "" ""
3 "" ""
4 "" ""
5 "B" "Industria Extrativa"
6 "" ""
7 "" ""
8 "C" "Industria de Transformacao"
9 "" ""
10 "" ""
11 "" ""
12 "" ""