Dear Statalist,

I am a newbie and I were stuck for some days.

I need to run CFA for a panel data which has 63 provinces from 2007 to 2015. I want to make a measurement model for the absorptive capacity of a province which constructed by six components.

I know that sem (y->x1 x2) works only for one year. And I do not know how to do with panel data.

Is it possible to use gsem (y M1[year]-> x1 x2)?

Or should I reshape the data into the wide form and run sem for each year like sem(y1->x11 x12) (y2->x21 x22)....

And is it possible if I treat the panel data as an extended cross-sectional data and use sem for it?

I really need your wisdom in this case. Please enlighten me

Thank you.