I ran the following regression:
xtreg recycling loginc logpopden md11 md12 md13 md14 md15 md16 md17 md18 md19 md20 md21 md22 md23 md24 md25 md26 md27 md28 md29 md291 wasteavg dryavg quarter2 quarter3 quarter4 year2 year3 year4 year5, fe vce(cluster acode)
This gave me the results below. I am struggling to interpret them. 'recycling' is a percentage (0-100%) of waste recycled, and 'income' is gross annual disposable income. loginc is just the logarithm of 'income'.
Am I correct in thinking a 1% increase in yearly income will increase recycling rates by 6.53/100 units, which is 0.0653, and because 'recycling' is a percentage it is 0.0653%.
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 5,862
Group variable: acode Number of groups = 311
R-sq: Obs per group:
within = 0.3639 min = 4
between = 0.0634 avg = 18.8
overall = 0.0941 max = 20
F(31,310) = 53.22
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.6908 Prob > F = 0.0000
(Std. Err. adjusted for 311 clusters in acode)
| Robust
recycling | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
loginc | 6.532939 6.030714 1.08 0.280 -5.333371 18.39925
logpopden | -3.643093 2.239148 -1.63 0.105 -8.048943 .7627563
md11 | .3323071 .4808336 0.69 0.490 -.6138031 1.278417
md12 | -.6383587 .408626 -1.56 0.119 -1.44239 .1656725
md13 | -.9090128 .5404645 -1.68 0.094 -1.972456 .15443
md14 | -.1001455 .4725626 -0.21 0.832 -1.029981 .8296903
md15 | .5641031 .5839921 0.97 0.335 -.5849866 1.713193
md16 | .1721142 .7144448 0.24 0.810 -1.23366 1.577889
md17 | -.2672899 .3879316 -0.69 0.491 -1.030602 .4960221
md18 | -.0376456 .6234474 -0.06 0.952 -1.264369 1.189078
md19 | .0423547 .4558731 0.09 0.926 -.8546421 .9393515
md20 | -1.560784 .5148514 -3.03 0.003 -2.57383 -.5477388
md21 | -.8955305 .4952328 -1.81 0.072 -1.869973 .0789123
md22 | -1.264937 .5061731 -2.50 0.013 -2.260907 -.268968
md23 | .1594418 .5278072 0.30 0.763 -.8790958 1.197979
md24 | .3258512 .4136664 0.79 0.431 -.4880977 1.1398
md25 | .1241636 .9183427 0.14 0.893 -1.68281 1.931137
md26 | .5464737 .3863866 1.41 0.158 -.2137983 1.306746
md27 | 1.420912 .3756702 3.78 0.000 .6817256 2.160097
md28 | .381145 .2994553 1.27 0.204 -.208077 .970367
md29 | .0880614 .6923709 0.13 0.899 -1.274279 1.450402
md291 | .4493586 .3743921 1.20 0.231 -.2873125 1.18603
wasteavg | 1.43095 .5684451 2.52 0.012 .312451 2.549448
dryavg | -.6606502 .6478801 -1.02 0.309 -1.935449 .6141484
quarter2 | -4.473236 .121817 -36.72 0.000 -4.712929 -4.233544
quarter3 | -4.172665 .1183665 -35.25 0.000 -4.405568 -3.939761
quarter4 | -2.505768 .1010889 -24.79 0.000 -2.704675 -2.306861
year2 | .1246461 .2125739 0.59 0.558 -.2936241 .5429162
year3 | -.4222133 .3448504 -1.22 0.222 -1.100757 .2563301
year4 | -1.007958 .6575602 -1.53 0.126 -2.301804 .2858874
year5 | -1.431394 .692197 -2.07 0.039 -2.793393 -.0693957
_cons | -30.59105 60.24127 -0.51 0.612 -149.1246 87.94244
sigma_u | 5.7402679
sigma_e | 2.5635018
rho | .83372539 (fraction of variance due to u_i)
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