graph bar (asis) hemvol ischemicvol totvol if year == 2019, over(date, relabel(1 "January" 2 "February" 3 "March")) blabel(bar, size(small)) bar(1, color(maroon)) bar(2, color(navy)) bar(3, color(pink)) ytitle(, size(vsmall)) ylabel(0(10)120, labsize(tiny) angle(horizontal) glcolor(gs14) gmax) ymtick(##2) legend(col(3) size(small)) graphregion(fcolor(gs14))
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(date hemvol ischemicvol totvol) 708 19 75 94 709 15 75 90 710 18 87 105 end format %tmMonth_CCYY date
Any ideas or fixes?
Side issue: date labels generate as 708, etc forcing the code for relabel. Any ideas why it won't label the graph with the appropriate format?
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