Hy folks,

i have the following panel data:

ID Birthyear Year of Assessment Fahter played football Math Gender Age
1 1980 1988 0 50 0 8
1 1980 1990 0 55 0 10
1 1980 1992 0 60 0 12
2 1990 1998 1 70 0 8
2 1990 2000 1 75 0 10
2 1990 2002 1 80 0 12
3 1985 1993 0 60 1 8
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

and would like to know, whether the parental sporting activity is positively related to the childrens school performance. In the observed country, the rate of parents playing football increased a lot over time, as well as the math marks are increasing over the ages and year of assessments. So i was thinking using the following model

xtset ID Birthyear
xtreg Math fatherplayedfb gender, re

The question raises, whether i should control for time, as the rate and marks are increasing?

xtset ID Birthyear
xtreg Math Fatherplayfb gender YearofAssessment, re

or can you recommend any other suitbale model?

thank you very much for your aprreciate adivce.

best wishes
