Hello, beginner to STATA and coding in general. I have a dataset with countries. I created a new variable earlier to get another group of countries in that variable, then used mlabel so those countries could be seen on the graph. Now I am being ask for my homework to highlight three specific countries on the graph. However, unlike the other group of countries they don't have anything in common.

So I have been trying multiple things such as

generate tri = country if country== "Brazil", "United States" & "China"

replace tri= country if GINIindex = 42.06 | GINIindex= 41.12 | GINIindex= 52.67
After I create the new variable my plan was to use mlabel and mlabcolor to create the graph I need.

I've been at this for maybe three hours, gone through Youtube and pages on this site through Google but have not been able to figure it out. I don't even know if it's possible to add those thee specific countries into a variable. I don't know if I'm just missing a comma or something. I even tried destring, then add a number a value to the country but that also gave me an error.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.