I would like to align some notes below a twoway graph. So far I have only been able to obtain left-aligned notes (see the attached graph). Notes as they are could be fine, but at the same time they are not very nice-looking. I was wondering whether there is a way to align them at the center, or whether I have to surrender to removing notes from the graph and add them in my latex file.
I use STATA 14.0. The command is
#delimit ; twoway (kdensity asymm if asymm_FT !=., lcolor(navy) lwidth(medthick)) || (kdensity asymm_FT, lcolor(emerald) lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash_dot)), ytitle("Density") ytitle(, size(small) margin(medsmall)) ylabel(, labsize(small) glwidth(vthin) glcolor(gs15)) xtitle("Asymmetry in ECP") legend(order(1 "Full sample (lmt)" 2 "F&T 2010 sample") size(small)) graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) note("lmt = Only Felbermayr and Toubal 2010s sample is plotted." "Asymmetry is computed on the full sample available");
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