I'm a student and I'm working with a repeated cross-sectional dataset. I would like to create some simple graphs with the variable "WAVE", which identifies the year of the survey, on the x-axis as a time variable. On the y-axis, I would use some categorical variable such as "SODLAV" which is a variable with 4 categories describing the satisfaction of the respondent about his job. The idea is to plot the change over time using some simple indicator of well-being.
The time variable, WAVE, goes from 1993 to 2018. I created this variable as a categorical var.

Since all the observations are different I can't use the dataset as a panel. Also, it's not a time series because I have repeated time values.
I tried using the "line" command [line WAVE SODLAV], but I get an unreadable plot, something like that:
I think the issue is that STATA is reading "WAVE" as a simple categorical variable, that's why there are the frequencies of WAVE on the graphs (?). I would like to have a line for each category of the y-variable (in this case, SODLAV, so 4 lines) and see how it changes through the years.
Are there some commands or options that I can use? I don't know if it's a simple issue or if there is something I have to change on my data.