Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone can suggest a method to analyze data in the following format:
The q1 and q2 were Yes/No text responses to questions, AdhPC is adherence to medication.
The outcome/dependent variable is continuous and the independent/predictor variables are binary (0/1)

I tried xtreg but got the error "insufficient observations" and "note: q2 omitted because of collinearity"

subject    dateday       q1  q2    AdhPC
2       08 Jul 15         0   1        .
2       15 Apr 15         1   0        .
2       19 May 15         1   1        .
2       12 Jun 15         0   0        .
2       27 May 15     .      .      .9333333333
2       23 Jul 15       .      .      .8965517241
2       24 Jun 15      .      .    1.035714286
2       27 Apr 15      .      .      .9393939394
I think what's slipping me up is the missing values... i.e. that the values are not all aligned