Dear all,

For my master thesis I am building a linear regression model with a continous dependent variable (satisfaction_score) and three independent variables (age/continous, country/categorical, device/categorical). You can find my code below. Country has 4 categories Cambodia (1), Ethiopia (2), South Sudan (3), Uganda (4) and device has five categories Contec (1), Devon (2), Lifebox (3), Utech (4), Masimo (5). I have the problem, that i cannot get rid of a baseline level for the categorical variables so they are always compared to Cambodia and Contec. I have tried the bn command, but with this the last categories Uganda (4) and Masimo (5) are automatically omitted. Is there another way to do it and why are the last categories omitted with ibn.?

This is my code
regress Mean_Score ibn. country ibn. device hwage
Thanks in advance,
