
I would like to save the following graph in an Excel file:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input double(cum_inv_EW_DCA sum_cap_inv date)
 18.56148845609046   20 19984
 35.86825214202078   40 19985
 57.86469950450826   60 19986
 75.94466921025628   80 19987
 96.74600892469607  100 19988
126.51151110033022  120 19989
 142.2801395273599  140 19990
157.82017936672926  160 19991
174.73145298996064  180 19992
192.36968601085326  200 19993
200.49512601298062  220 19994
219.49314966466247  240 19995
 246.8137941169403  260 19996
 264.5183048762408  280 19997
278.18216145796765  300 19998
285.81196600948465  320 19999
  279.743538614689  340 20000
 292.1275091837158  360 20001
 321.4462450802296  380 20002
 347.7645939744611  400 20003
 386.0911691998247  420 20004
 419.9972649584401  440 20005
435.82182079372114  460 20006
456.75095664028004  480 20007
498.13440735415617  500 20008
   534.37446975895  520 20009
 569.2216220503781  540 20010
 580.2599251508215  560 20011
 581.6837273804449  580 20012
 603.5742255913641  600 20013
 636.0600582349705  620 20014
 652.8823530049207  640 20015
 661.3073981561233  660 20016
 687.7673212461044  680 20017
 701.6927355875159  700 20018
 675.0921191478451  720 20019
 694.9525041801775  740 20020
 692.8581884119667  760 20021
 728.1162576302805  780 20022
 744.4991110708975  800 20023
 774.5245338214474  820 20024
 745.5868468919117  840 20025
 787.7474617723992  860 20026
 791.4103353922958  880 20027
 781.2582982617587  900 20028
  801.610053586887  920 20029
 825.8001105938737  940 20030
 853.3865728429602  960 20031
 897.1548584911378  980 20032
 943.6413764511475 1000 20033
 944.6742308346187 1020 20034
 973.3316842291523 1040 20035
1044.4404482221935 1060 20036
1075.1650318528807 1080 20037
1097.4662381887572 1100 20038
1287.2492524784254 1120 20039
1298.5272207312182 1140 20040
1246.7084301705056 1160 20041
1197.6603504168024 1180 20042
1255.6955217140967 1200 20043
 1274.136598075606 1220 20044
1253.3491132604106 1240 20045
1291.5297135550595 1260 20046
 1233.245644085988 1280 20047
1228.7578879536864 1300 20048
 1256.132741527754 1320 20049
1329.1168547285406 1340 20050
1383.3537713049275 1360 20051
1397.5712951872254 1380 20052
 1391.217595538014 1400 20053
1416.1979367737765 1420 20054
 1462.527045110625 1440 20055
1478.7621406384214 1460 20056
1508.9643453838837 1480 20057
 1533.809500198964 1500 20058
1562.2905522483877 1520 20059
1556.1275919104105 1540 20060
1553.4067178232542 1560 20061
1604.2700163285879 1580 20062
1615.3524656906388 1600 20063
 1636.705119486538 1620 20064
1598.4656860786533 1640 20065
 1575.131761021523 1660 20066
1568.6201081333568 1680 20067
1607.6131097569405 1700 20068
1637.0674061905293 1720 20069
 1632.785517625126 1740 20070
1673.0351182628385 1760 20071
1662.7645746118824 1780 20072
1593.6769488517552 1800 20073
1577.7288180129458 1820 20074
1555.8589608575533 1840 20075
1608.4847770800525 1860 20076
1690.5463870918036 1880 20077
1663.3030531840939 1900 20078
1741.2401585165815 1920 20079
1775.4941495602898 1940 20080
1730.8917668717704 1960 20081
1731.7506959201658 1980 20082
 1800.710708449396 2000 20083
format %td date
line  cum_inv_EW_DCA sum_cap_inv date
I have taken a look in the help file and through the GUI Graphics> Twoway Graph but I could not find it. Thanks